We are very excited to announce that Ari Guiragos Minassian Armenian School has been accepted as a member of the National Elementary Honor Society (NEHS).
Our participation in this organization means offering our students something much more than being on the honor roll. The National Honor Society is America’s largest student recognition program for 4th-12th grade students.
Our 4th-6th graders will be eligible for membership consideration at the end of the first quarter if they meet the minimum requirements.
Conditions for selection, or what will qualify a student for candidacy are the following :
1- A minimum 3.5 GPA
2. High standards of honestly and reliability
3. A cooperative and supportive disposition
4. Courtesy, concern, and respect of others
5. Citizenship grade- “Excellent” marks on the report card.
6. No more than 2 tardies per quarter.
7. Minimum absences
Students who meet these minimum requirements after the first quarter report cards are released, will be asked to complete a candidate information form to tell us about their accomplishments in service, responsibility and leadership. These forms will be reviewed by the 4th-6th grade faculty and principal for final approval.
After reviewing all candidate applications, selected students will participate in a special induction ceremony.
We look forward to working with our students in support of academic excellence and high achievement, and lay the strong foundations for their future success.